Circle’s Corner – 9/21/12 – Finally!

So, long story short, the Norwich + Hanover “partnership” is going great, quite better than the very beginning of the school year. New friends have been made and new groups are forming and the level of awkwardness has dropped from an 11 out of 10 to more like a 1.

Though the new transformation is great, that’s not really what I want to talk about. The other day I was walking across the street, freshly out of a busy Tuesday of school, when I passed the two Norwich buses that were first in line to escape from school. I saw Norwich kids, different ones with whom I had passed in the hallway, laughed with in homeroom, and ruthlessly shot field hockey balls. Different people from each of these activities, (whom I had no idea even knew each other), were standing there, comfortably talking.

Then I thought how (meanly) us Hanover kids used to joke about how we thought before the Norwich buses arrived and after the Norwich buses left were the best part of the day. That was when we could finally be at un-awkward peace with our old classmates. Now, I realize, it really wasn’t a bad thing. Remember my old post, “The Revacation?” When I talked about how great it feels to do something you hadn’t done in a long, long time? This is common idea occurs again.

I know this sounds confusing, but now it’s not so mean anymore to enjoy the time we have with just the kids from our town. Hanover kids have their revacation time, Norwich kids have theirs.

During the day we can be one big and jolly connected grade, which I think everyone is personally enjoying, (and secretly proud of.) And then just a touch after school, and a bit before, we can have our own time to relax with our “hometown friends”, to revisit the good old sixth grade days but still realize that change is happening for the better.

So let’s enjoy this while we can. Because right now, it’s smooooooth sailing.



Every time someone says “Ive got something to say.” everyone around them looks at them. Waiting, expecting something great to come out of their mouths. Something inspirational that makes you want to go out and pursue your life long dream, and if you don’t have one, it makes you want to go do something that makes people say “That’s just crazy town!” As you wait for it to come out of their mouths, (usually they pause for a while) you think, is this a moment I will remember forever? Do I want to keep this memory or forget it? As all these things are rushing through your mind, the person about to say something goes, “I love fried chicken!”

Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever had to go through such stupidity? You think now, “What could I have achieved in that minute of waiting? How will this affect me?” This happened to me as I was walking into a store in my little town, Hanover. I walk into a store I love, and as I walk in, somebody suddenly stands on a chair and says, “I’ve been thinking this all day. I just want to let it out.” This boy standing on the chair has every pair of eyes in the store, on him. His friends surrounded the chair laughing. This old lady suddenly screams, “Well let it out boy!” (he had been silent for about 30 seconds now and people were getting impatient) So he says, “I realized this morning that, well, I love tacos.”

Everyone in the store groans this huge groan and all his friends start laughing as loud as possible. I dont know why people do that. It’s just annoying.

Circle’s Corner – 8/30/12 – Change

In seventh grade everything changes. Everything. New people come in and old people come out and some of us stay right where we are. Our social and academic lives are whirled around and around and around.  And right now, we’re still pretty dizzy.

This fase of dizziness is hopefully temporary. Because, honestly, we really have no idea what to do with this new grade we have. Are we supposed to be accepting? Friendly? Or are we supposed to pretend like they’re not even here?

Some people have been meshing in with them. Some people are meshing out. But while I’m still spinning around and around, I took a look at my last post from the beginning of the summer, “An Excerpt.” (You should do this too.)

Maybe we have no idea what will happen. That’s just a normal part of life, right? Well, there’s a quote about all of this we’re going through. Some guy named François de La Rochefoucauld said it. He said, “the only constant thing is life is change.”

So even though right now it seems like the worst thing on Earth, (and to be honest, to me, it really does), somehow things are going to sort out. Because, when we finally settle down and the dizziness fades, we’ll be one connected grade. 




I was chatting with Circle one day, and she told me about something I had heard of once before. I recognized the name, but I didn’t know what it was exactly. Pinterest. As soon as she told me she was invited to Pinterest, many things went through my head. Where had I heard that name before? Did I know exactly what it was? Circle explained. She asked me if i wanted her to invite me. She asked me if I wanted to become a part of the world of Pinterest. Hmmmm. Worth a try I guess. She sent me a request. I joined. We chatted  little longer. She taught me how to add pictures, comment, follow people, basically everything. Now that I knew how this worked, I was online forever just adding and adding pictures. I was obsessed. It was pretty cool, the world of Pinterest and I was glad to be a part of it.  I started posting new pictures I had found almost all the time. I felt very pleased with what my page looked like. It was full of things I loved. It was like my life, full, of things I love.

The Failed 4th

When the 4th of July comes around, all I think about are fireworks, red, white and blue, America, travel and family. Well, this year, was a big fat fail.

We were looking for somewhere special but near Hanover to see professional fireworks. It was a bit last minute planning considering at was the 4th of July when we started searching for the exact fireworks I was looking for. My mom sent me an email listing two good places to see fireworks. The first choice was in Wilder. It was like a festival. There was going to be performances, games, food and at the end fireworks. It all sounded great, until, we looked at the weather. It was going to be a long ride to Wilder and if it rained when we got there, it would be a big fat waste of time and energy. Fail. I decided to take a look at choice number two in the email. That choice would be just fireworks at dark in Lime. My mom looked it up to see what time they were going to start. Apparently, the fireworks were actually on the Saturday BEFORE the 4th of July so FAIL. We found one other place in Lebanon. Professional fireworks at dark. We made a plan. We set off to the fireworks. Since we had never done this before we didn’t know where we were going. It started to rain so we brought out the umbrellas and followed the crowd. Well, the crowd lead us to a stop sign on the corner of a road. We all stopped, well, me, Dan, Lem, and Lord (Flen was at summer camp). We were about to cross the road when we heard a lady saying they were cancelled due to the weather. fail. We turned around with a new plan. Our plan was simply just to go get some ice cream and watch a movie. We headed off to the Dairy Twirl. Once the Dairy Twirl was in sight, we all saw that the line contained a half-an-hour wait in the pouring rain. fail. Dan suggested a new grocery store that may have some ice cream. We went to the store and saw that they had almost no appealing ice cream choice. fail. Lord then announced “I am about to have a tantrum, What is wrong?” There was one more place we could go. We arrived at a place similar to the fail store we tried before. This place, however, had a cooler full of small ice cream snacks that were perfect for the occasion. I picked one out and admired it. Lem shouted that there was an ice cream cake so me and Lord both went to see if it was better then the things we had picked out. We both approved it, but Lem checked the ingredients for any bad unhealthy things, such as high-fructose corn syrup. There were so many ingredients and chemicals in it, me and Lord were disgusted and immediately checked our choices for the dreaded weird chemicals. Lord almost screamed at the sight of all her chemicals. She put back her choice and looked for something else. The Ice cream cake was a fail. The ingredients, fail. My choice, however, was much better then any other. A dove ice cream bar with dark chocolate. I got what I wanted but Lord was wanting to try Dairy Twirl to see if the line had died down. It had, a little so we went and since I had already got an ice cream treat I was sent to stay in the car. Lem and Lord waited in line for about 10 minutes and got the special. Lord came back to the car with a frowny face. She said that her ‘special’ ice cream was red, white and blue. They hadn’t told her the flavors so she thought it was just coloring but really it was blueberry (she described it as ‘puke’), strawberry and they forgot vanilla. fail. While me and Danny were waiting for them in the car we noticed a man singing by the sidewalk. It was odd because we was singing a failish song in such a high voice that he sounded like a crazy person. As we were laughing at him, we also saw the faint thunder in the background and some amateur fireworks by someone who was just confusing everyone. fail.  We headed home. Naming all the fails that had happened that day. We could all say, we were having so much fun. It was an adventure that we could never forget. What made it so fun, is that we were all in such good spirits. We laughed so much we cried. We were all happy and nothing on earth could make us happier, I thought. When we got to our road, we saw that our neighbor was out firing off what we were searching for that whole night, well that, and ice cream. He was setting off fireworks. An old tradition. Our neighbor had done it every year. He used it do it on a gorgeous field with a great view of what looked to me like all of New Hampshire, but really only part of Hanover. But that field was sold so this year he was only doing it on the side of the road. We pulled over to see what was going on. Well actually, nothing was going on. The fireworks had no audience. It was just Our neighbor watching them all by himself. We joined him and got our own little fireworks show.

It was by far, the best 4th of July ever. It may have been a fail, but it was the greatest fail there ever was.


Summer. What pops into your head when “summer” pops up? Camps? Travel? New experiences? Do you ever feel like you haven’t done anything special? Like you haven’t had the chance to do something no body else has done? Well summer is definitely the time to do just that. To take chances, take risks, make new friends, and have some fun. Be a kid while you can. Live life to the fittest. Remember that time is running out. Through the good times and bad, just remember that you’ll get where you want to go if you put your mind to it. In the words of H. Jackson Brown Jr. “When you can’t change the direction of the wind – adjust your sails.”

Special Note: Circle is away at an overnight camp. She will not be posting until she returns. Cheers! -Shrubio

Legs Log is On Board.

we are having a new blogger join shrubinator. LEGGIS IS ON BOARD with her new category: LEGS LOG. CHECK IT OUT!!!!

Last Day

Today, was the last day of school. Last day of work, last day of teachers, last day of slunching, last day of home work, last day of school lunches, last day of school drama, last day of stress, well, at least, for the summer. Yeah, that covers the beneficial part to school ending, but what about the sad things? Things like saying goodbye to your friends, saying goodbye to your favorite teachers, saying goodbye to your bus driver or the friend who keeps you company on the bus, saying goodbye to your chair, your numbered chair, who has served your bum well throughout the stress and pressure of the year. What better way to end the year with the stressful bridge week. The stress piling up. The pressure to meet every deadline and every requirement. But, then, all the pressure is lifted from your shoulders when your bridge is destroyed. Off to Storrs pond to relax. All the people say their goodbyes, their farewells, and we depart. The end. Over.

Circle’s Corner – 6/9/12 – An Excerpt…

Hello all! Circle here!

With summer approaching at a rapid pace, we all are more than anxious to free ourselves from the wrath of everlasting school. Though, with a little more than a week left, us 6th graders better start preparing ourselves for next year.

Seventh grade is a year of change. A whole different grade collides with ours. What will happen? We’ll have to wait and see.

In the meantime, we better start getting ready  for this change. I found this excerpt in the 2010 – 2011 RMS yearbook (last year’s yearbook.) It is written by an anonymous writer who is now in eigth grade at school.

“In 1962, the river acted as a barrier between communities. Even though they were founded on the same day, they were divided. Even though there was a bridge between them, all it really did was raise the question of what those giant stone balls were for. But in 1963, the document that founded SAU #70 said “Hey river, you’re not the boss of me!

Even though we get lunch dismissal five minutes after the eigth graders, and we aren’t allowed to sit on the steps in the morning, seventh grade has been one of the best and most interesting times of my life. This was my first experience with cafeterias, darkroom photo, potter’s wheels, and many other interesting things. September first was a day I met more people than any other. Every 40 minutes I would meet 20 or more new people. I have made many close friends among them. Whenever I got lost it was good to have Hanover kids around to help me find my destination.

I now believe we are at the point of not thinking about who’s Hanover and who’s Norwich. All that’s really different are the buses. That is the sign of two communities linked like no others in the country.”


I Hate Bugs. They freak me out. In June and May, we usually get something called a June Bug or May Beetle. Disgusting. They are huge, brown, flying balls of ew. At night, they fly around and are attracted to light. They hit the window and fall on the ground. In the morning, they are dead. Sometimes we will see not quite dead ones that are o their backs wiggling their legs. Ok, Enough about June Bugs. What about bug in general. Every morning, me and Lord walk to the bus stop. We are bombarded by bugs. There is probably 20 flying around our heads trying to bite us. We are swatting frantically and they keep coming back. I ask Lord about a million times if there is a bug in my hair and if there is, I feel a large BAM coming from Lords hand smacking my head. I;m Not sure how to prevent this without using the fowl smelling bug spray or wearing an embarrassing hat. Please give us some ideas on how to MAKE THE BUGS LEAVE.