In seventh grade everything changes. Everything. New people come in and old people come out and some of us stay right where we are. Our social and academic lives are whirled around and around and around.  And right now, we’re still pretty dizzy.

This fase of dizziness is hopefully temporary. Because, honestly, we really have no idea what to do with this new grade we have. Are we supposed to be accepting? Friendly? Or are we supposed to pretend like they’re not even here?

Some people have been meshing in with them. Some people are meshing out. But while I’m still spinning around and around, I took a look at my last post from the beginning of the summer, “An Excerpt.” (You should do this too.)

Maybe we have no idea what will happen. That’s just a normal part of life, right? Well, there’s a quote about all of this we’re going through. Some guy named François de La Rochefoucauld said it. He said, “the only constant thing is life is change.”

So even though right now it seems like the worst thing on Earth, (and to be honest, to me, it really does), somehow things are going to sort out. Because, when we finally settle down and the dizziness fades, we’ll be one connected grade. 



About shrubio

I am a fan of Tom Hanks, Jim Carrey, Ringo Starr, and MC Hammer

3 responses »

  1. Nan says:

    Love this. I remember dizzy.

  2. Shrubio that was beautious……..completely tru!

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